Keo Chhum

Good evening PKH’s Family, I’m Keo Chhum, I studied hospitality and graduated in 2015. I have a younger sister and we lived with our grandparents because our parents passed away when we were young. My grandmother decided to bring me to the orphanage when I was 13 years old because she could not support me with my studies. I learned about Jesus Christ and accepted Him as my Saviour in the orphanage. I lived there for 6 years and only finished Grade 10 . Then I asked my pastor to help me to have some training and learn some skills. He introduced me to PKH and I came and got a chance to study English, Basic Computer and then Hospitality Course. At PKH Centre I have learned a lot. Teacher Susan tries hard to find a job for us after we finished hospitality course. I love F&B but unfortunately I got housekeeping as my first job. I worked as a public area attendant. As I remembered, my feeling on the first day was so sad and I really wanted to give up because most of my friends got jobs in F&B and some are in Front Office. So I felt really sad and shy. But I always remind myself not to give up and think about Teacher Susan’s words, never give up so easily and work at least 1 year in the hotel. I had been patient a lot and finally I did it. After 1 year in housekeeping as a public area attendant then I moved to another hotel in F&B department. After 1 year in F&B then I asked to transfer to front office as a Bellman. PKH has changed my life a lot and now I got a better life. And now I started to give back to the poor like myself before. My friends and I formed a small team and we contribute U$10 each person per month to buy some food items to help poor families in the provinces in Cambodia. I really appreciate teacher Susan and all PKH’s supporters for helping Cambodia. I thank God for His love and hope for us.

Keo Chhum
NagaWorld Hotel, Phnom Penh
September 2006